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This series explores the underlying psychologies and choices surrounding the need for perfection.


Humans think that perfection exists. And from that perspective, they create that which is to them the ultimate choice. Everything about you is based on the ultimate, the absolute. You look around you and you say, “This is better than that. That’s the ultimate,” until you find something better, and you create that as the ultimate. Through judgement, through justification, you create for yourself a perspective of that which can be achieved if every perspective of control was in absolute place. And you call that perfection. In effect, perfection is nothing more than a game that you play with yourself that you will never achieve. If you come near it, you change the bar. And regardless of how you change, regardless of the choices you make, regardless of how you perceive yourself, define yourself, judge yourself in fact, you will never achieve that which you yourself have created as perfection.


Includes the following recordings:


1. Defining Perfection From The Human Perspective


2. I'm In Complete Control


3. Don't Choose - I'll Do It For You


4. You're Right - I'm Wrong; At Least I'll Let You Think That


5. Manipulation As A Tool


6. Now I'm Perfect - Let's Try It Again


Total listening time: 5:24:00
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What Will It Take To Be Perfect? - Series 497

SKU: 497-c-05
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