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Twist This Way See What Happens - 2 of 6

Excerpt from Session #268-2-01: Twist This Way See What Happens

This session looks at the mind's ability to create illusions, regardless of what the body is feeling.

This is the second session from Series 268: Let's Use The Creative Mind.
This series starts to explore the use of as well as underlying causes of the creativity of the mind. It can be used as a basis of expansion for literally every area of your life.

It is intended to help you understand the mind and its ability to create on any level that you desire. It includes a number of meditations, some designed to clear the mind for further exploration, others designed to expand the mind and allow you to use it to its fullest capacity.

Twist This Way See What Happens - 2 of 6

SKU: 268-2-01
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