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Reincarnation As A Methodology Of Change - Series 1296

Excerpt from Session #1296-01-21: Is Reincarnation That Good?

This series explores reincarnation, resistance to change and the interconnections between the two.

Réné leads this workshop and explores some of his ideas around the process of reincarnation, the illusion of its necessity and what it takes to choose a different methodology of change.

Includes the following recordings:

  1. Is Reincarnation That Good?
  2. Why Do You Keep Forgetting?

  3. Does It Mean I Have To Go Through This Again?
  4. There Has To Be A Better Way
  5. I Don’t Understand This

  6. But I’ve Done This Before
  7. Why Do I Keep Repeating?
  8. Given This Pattern, Is There Anything Else?
  9. Why Is Reincarnation Beneficial?

  10. Still Don’t Get It, Do I?
  11. Can’t Really Define It
  12. Around We Go, Where We Stop No One Knows
  13. This Is Getting Repetitious

  14. I Don’t Want This Anymore
  15. Then Why Don’t I Change?
  16. Why Is It That Change Is So Difficult?
  17. If I Change, Will I Remember?

  18. Without Guarantees, What’s The Point?
  19. I Don’t Really Choose This
  20. Can Reincarnation Be Avoided?

​​​​​​​Total listening time: 07:21:00

Reincarnation As A Methodology Of Change - Series 1296

SKU: 1296-c-21
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