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To most individuals, pregnancy occurs when a sperm and an egg fertilize and create a fetus in the body of a female. This particular workshop has nothing to do with this at all. In this series, The Wonders present a new paradigm - term it, another turn of the key towards the new paradigm - that humanity can move to if it is going to shift itself and its consciousness.

Pregnancy, in and of itself, is about life. It's about a creation of a new form within the self. And this is what this series about. You are looking to create within yourselves a new way of thinking, a new way of exploring existence, a new way of describing yourselves to the universe. In other words, redefining that which you are to allow the creation, the burgeoning, the bringing out of the inner self to the outer self. This series is completely about redefinition of the self in order to create an opportunity to reintegrate yourselves into humanity and, therefore, shift human consciousness.

Includes the following recordings:


1. Redefining Pregnancy To Satisfy The Self

2. Expanding And Broadening The Concepts

3. Creating Life In A Variety Of Different Ways

4. The Energy Of Being - An Expansion

5. Now You've Done It. What Will You Tell Your Parents?

6. This Hurts. Why Did I Have To Go Through This?


Total listening time: 4:58:00

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Pregnancy Of The Self - Series 504

SKU: 504-c-06
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