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Let Us Love - Series 1304

Excerpt from Session #1304-1-21: That Which We Are

Réné leads this workshop and shares some of his perspectives about love, the illusions around it, what it means to know it without defining and limiting it, and why it is the reason for everything in your existence.

This is a workshop exploring the expression of love, an understanding of it, an exploration of it and the limitations that you impose on yourselves in order to fear it.

Includes the following recordings:

  1. That Which We Are
  2. Why Do You Fear Us?
  3. You Want, And Yet You Don't Choose
  4. You Desire, And Yet You Don't Want
  5. Limitlessness Of Love
  6. What Does This Mean To You?
  7. Are You Willing To Be Different?
  8. Why Do You Fear So Much Love?
  9. Can Quantity Overwhelm You?
  10. Why Do Your Leaders Stop You?
  11. Your Choice - Why Do You Give Power To Others?
  12. It Is Not For Us To Decide
  13. Limitlessness Of Love And Its Excitement 
  14. Be Yourselves, Be Free - That Is Love
  15. You Can't Really Define The Unknown
  16. Why Do You Keep Insisting On Definitions And Rules?
  17. Provided Limitlessness, You Keep Insisting On Limits
  18. You Keep Saying No Limits And Yet You Want Rules And Definitions
  19. Can You Really Truly Define Yourselves?
  20. Let's Do A Small Exploration Of Expressing Love

Total listening time: 07:28:00

Let Us Love - Series 1304

SKU: 1304-c-21
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