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After moving through the collection of vulnerability series, you have, to one degree or another, created for yourself a concept of vulnerability that you're now striving to achieve. You've defined it, categorized it, and judged it to the satisfaction of your ego personality and your mind to allow yourself to work towards that perspective. However, your definitions are illusions. Your definitions are based on fear. Your definitions will create perspectives of harm for you. In this series, The Wonders continue to explore the concepts of vulnerability, emphasizing its practical application in your life.

Includes the following recordings:


1. Review Of Vulnerability And The State Of Being
In order to progress fully into being vulnerable, The Wonders review concepts and their individual application.

2. Practical Application To Existence
A discussion of the practical results of being vulnerable and how life can change as a result of the choice to express vulnerability.

3. Let's Play A Game Of Musical Chairs
Through an interactive game of musical chairs, each participant is led into a deep exploration of their vulnerability.

4. I Want You. Can I Have You?
Everybody wants to be someone else at some point in life, but this choice is based on an illusion that others have more power.

5. The Beginning Of Sharing The Self - An Exploration
Tools are provided that will help you share yourself and, therefore, progress more freely towards vulnerability.

6. Its Christmas Again - Ho, Ho, Ho
An examination of the patterns that are repeated every holiday period and how these patterns remove you from vulnerability.

Total listening time: 6:04:00

Please Note: No refunds provided once purchase is made.

Intermediate Exploration Of Vulnerability: Level 3 - Series 447

SKU: 447-c-04
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