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Complete collection of the 2009 Wednesday study group entitled "Expanding Humanity's Spiritual Concepts".

This series of studies will be about new spirituality, a new direction for humanity, a new way of interacting, and a new way of expressing the self. It'll seem old, but it will be new. For those studying study groups in sequential order, this is the first year to feature 12-part study groups.

Includes the following recordings:


January - 1. Reviewing The Basis Of Your Own Spirituality
February - 2. Time Honoured Concepts - Are They Necessary?
March - 3. Presenting A New Direction
April - 4. An Exploration Of Giving
May - 5. Expanding The Ability To Receive
June - 6. Applying Practical Spirituality To Existence
July - 7. Expanding The Choice To Love
August - 8. Creating Reflections In Life Itself
September - 9. Reexamining Love, Giving And Receiving
October - 10. New Way Of Living Life
November - 11. Are You Ready To Manifest This?
December - 12. Creating A Foundation For Expanded Exploration


No Refunds.

Expanding Humanity's Spiritual Concepts - Study Group 687

SKU: 687-c-09
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