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Busting The Illusion Of Fear - Series 199

In their very first series on fear, The Wonders cite the root of the paralysis caused by fear. Though fear is perceived as a negative aspect of life, you will begin to realize you can actually use is it to your benefit. We have a tendency to blame everything outside of ourselves as the cause of our fear and avoid that which we fear in order to not experience fear itself, but there is another way to move beyond fear.

Includes the following recordings:


1. The Value Of Creating Fear 
A discussion of how fear can be a burden as well as assistance in our lives.

2. Let's Follow The Signs
The Wonders explain in simple and clear terms how we can observe fear and its results.

3. Now You've Done It. What Do I Do Next? 
An explanation of how we assign blame as a way of avoiding our fears, and then look for help to move through them, yet still blaming others.

4. I Don't Want To Know 
Gain an understanding of the avoidance techniques used for removing ourselves from fear. A meditation and energy healing is given by The Wonders.

5. The Fear Of Fear
The Wonders explain how it is the fear of fear that paralyzes us and not the fear itself. Another meditation was featured in this session.

6. Moving Beyond Fear 
Two meditations and an energy healing are used to move listeners beyond fear. Workshop participants are also given gifts from The Wonders to expand on the workshop.


Total listening time: 5:57:00

Recommended recordings to continue this exploration:
Series 228: Inter-Relationship Of Fear And Judgment
Series 262: Shark Attack - Please Be Careful
Series 369: Examining The Components Of Fear

Busting The Illusion Of Fear - Series 199

SKU: 199-c-00
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