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In your society, everyone says parenting is the easiest thing that you can do. In fact, it’s so easy, that you don’t have to take courses on it, you don’t have to apply yourself to it, it’s an automatic thing. In this series, you will begin to recognize that parenting is very different than what you anticipated. The Wonders’ definition of parent and yours are at opposite ends. They define parenting as taking care of yourself first, as loving the self, and, only once this is done, giving to others. This exploration of parenthood will lead you to realize that you can, and must, parent yourself first.

Includes the following recordings:


1. It's Easy to Be A Parent
Society defines parents as those who take care of others. The Wonders define parenting as taking care of yourself first, as loving the self, and, only once this is done, giving to others.

2. Rules And Regulations, Oh Dear
Rules and regulations only serve to create a commonality amongst parents while not really helping parents. Moving beyond these to loving the self extends into parenthood, and creates an environment for growth and appreciation.

3. Fighting To Assert
When parents fight to assert themselves, they fail to guide their children because they are failing to guide themselves to love.

4. Mine Is The Only Way
Every individual who parents have a perspective of what parenting should be. When you try to tell someone what to do, you are being a child. Love and appreciate yourself, and you will become a true parent.

5. Reframing Parenthood - A New Perspective
Giving everyone around you the responsibility for their own self-love will lead you to reframe your concepts of parenthood. Trust that as you wouldn’t harm yourself, neither will those you parent.

6. Uncovering The Parent Within
You will be provided with a number of keys to help you uncover your own parent within yourself.


Total listening time: 5:21:00

Recommended series to continue the exploration:
Series 297: Exploring The Limitations Of Parents
Series 798: Choosing To Expand Parent/Child Relationships
Parent-Child - Let’s Explore

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Being The Parent - Series 434

SKU: 434-c-04
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