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And So It Began, And So It Will Be - Series 1316

Excerpt from Session #1316-05-21: Is This The Beginning Of God?
This session is about experiencing your brilliance. The Wonders explore the interconnection between limitlessness and all of existence. They also delve into why Réné has been leading many of the events and how this fits into the entirety of The Wonders' library and its importance in helping you move beyond your limits.

This is an exploration of existence, separation, deity, realization, spirituality, but most of all the distance between that which you see yourself to be and that which is all that is and the illusions around it. 


Includes the following recordings: 

  1. And In The Beginning There Was Consciousness
  2. There Was No Definition
  3. How Did It Become Defined?
  4. Why Did It Realize Itself?
  5. Is This The Beginning Of God?
  6. Why Is It Chosen To Be Called God?
  7. Is The illusion So Great?
  8. Why Can It Not Be Overcome?
  9. What Is The Difference Between God And Goddess?
  10. See The Judgment You’ve Applied
  11. For One Moment, Realize There Is No Judgment
  12. What Do You Do With That?
  13. Given Your Choices And Your Realizations, What Do You Choose Next?
  14. Stop Thinking, Just Realize
  15. If God Is Love, What Is Love?
  16. All Of These Illusions And No Movement
  17. The Difficulty Of Realizing The Totality
  18. Given These Understandings, Existence Will Change
  19. What Choice Separates You From All Of Existence?
  20. This Is Our Form. This Is Your Form. Why Are They Different?

Total listening time: 07:54:00

And So It Began, And So It Will Be - Series 1316

SKU: 1316-c-21
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