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A Movement Towards Abundance - Series 1387

Excerpt from Session #1387-01-23: Give More To Yourself, Get More For Yourself

This is an exploration of finding within yourself the wherewithal to express your reality differently, not succumbing to psychologies and belief structures of others and owning the power that you yourself are.

This series explores topics beyond the concept of abundance. Réné and The Wonders open up every session to topics of each participant's choosing. These include: the mind's illusion of abundance vs. the self's awareness of abundance; honing the ability to question everything as a way of reawakening to your own self; moving beyond the fear of lack; a new definition of abundance; and much more.

Includes the following recordings:

  1. Give More To Yourself, Get More For Yourself
  2. The Limits That You Impose Define You

  3. If It’s So Easy, Why Is It So Difficult?
  4. The Greater Goodness Residing In Each Person
  5. This Too Is But A Perspective
  6. God Grant Me The Serenity To Choose
  7. What Are You Asking Of Yourself?
  8. Move Yourself To Yourself

Total listening time: 02:44:00

A Movement Towards Abundance - Series 1387

SKU: 1387-c-23
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