This series explores a number of different concepts with the purpose of creating an opportunity to shift humanity's consciousness. The Wonders cover everything from how dreams change throughout one's existence to exploring uncomfortableness to choose more freely.
Includes the following recordings:
1. I Once Had A Dream - Now I'm Living It
Every individual incarnates with a dream of what existence will be like, a dream of what existence is all about, a dream to become. As you progress through your existence, the dream changes.
2. Ride Like The Wind
When you choose, you create a movement in the universe that will ultimately lead you to be uncomfortable. In exploring this uncomfortableness, you can choose more freely.
3. Expanding The Telepathic Ability Of The Mind
Further exploration of telepathic abilities and how to use them in your life.
4. Growing Conflicts Within Existence
It is perceived that there are three major conflicts within existence that limit exploration, and as you allow these perceptions to grow, so will the conflicts.
5. Reconnecting With The Group Of Twelve
Further exploration of the concept of The Group Of Twelve and how this has affected humanity and your exploration of existence.
6. Setting The Tone For A New Shift In Consciousness
The Wonders prepare the group and humanity to shift humanity's consciousness.
Total listening time: 5:41:00
Recommended recording:
A Discussion Of The Group Of Twelve.
Please Note: No refunds provided once series is purchased.
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SKU: 446-c-04
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